The Third Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury will be held June 13‐15, 2011. Attend to hear about newest cutting edge advantages in TBI research and clinical care.
- View the conference website:
The conference includes outstanding speakers and symposia on a wide variety of topics within several broad themes:
- Effective Practices for Community Integration
- Seminal Advances in TBI Research
- The Promise of Technology
Plenary Speakers Include:
- Geoffrey Manley, MD, PhD, University of California
- James P Kelly, MS, MD, National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NiCoE)
- Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD, FACS, University of Washington
- Daniel Perl, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Jennie Ponsford, PhD, MAPSS, Monash University