Monday, August 29, 2011

TBI Model System Hosts 2012 Brain Injury Summit

The TBI Model System at Craig Hospital is hosting a cutting edge TBI conference January 9-11, 2012, in Beaver Creek, Colorado – the 2012 Brain Injury Summit.  This high-level conference is designed for experienced professionals.  The conference program includes tracks in acute care, clinical rehabilitation, community reintegration, lifelong living, and applied research.  Program format will include keynote presentations, plenary and panel presentations, break-out sessions, poster presentations, roundtables, exhibits, sponsorships, and networking opportunities.  Beaver Creek offers a spectacular setting and an intimate venue for this meeting.  Proceeds from the conference will benefit the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado and Craig Hospital’s Patient Assistance Fund.  Craig Hospital is a NIDRR TBI Model System Center and the NIDRR national statistical data center for TBI.  
Please visit the conference website –
Registration is OPEN and the deadline for abstract submissions is September 2, 2011.

“TBI and its Implications” – New TBI Educational Video from the Midwest Regional Traumatic Brain Injury Model System

The Midwest Regional Traumatic Brain Injury Model System at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago created the video “TBI and its Implications”  for paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs), but it is appropriate for anyone wanting to learn more about TBI. In this video, people with TBI, family members and health professionals provide information about the common physical, cognitive and behavioral problems caused by TBI.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

TBI Model Systems researchers receive ACRM Awards

The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Awards Committee announced the following awardees for 2011:

ACRM Gold Key
Wayne Gordon, PhD, ABPP/Cn, FACRM, - New York Traumatic Brain Injury Model System.
This award was established in 1932 as a certificate of merit for members of the medical and allied professions who have rendered extraordinary service to the cause of rehabilitation. Dr. Gordon is being recognized for his extraordinary service to the field with this award, which is the highest honor given by ACRM.

John Stanley Coulter Lecturer
Keith Cicerone, PhD, ABPP, FACRM - JFK-Johnson Rehabilitation Institute TBI Model System.
This distinguished lectureship honors John Stanley Coulter, MD in celebration of his many contributions to rehabilitation. Dr. Cicerone is recognized for professional achievements, which significantly advance the field of rehabilitation. He will present the prestigious Coulter Lecture during the ACRM-ASNR Joint Educational Conference.

These awards will be presented Friday evening, October 14th at the Henry B. Betts Awards Gala during the ACRM-ASNR Educational Conference in Atlanta.