Monday, April 9, 2012

Recruiting Couples dealing with TBI and relationships factsheet

The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSTKC) is recruiting consumers for usability testing of a factsheet on TBI and relationships. We need consumers who meet the criteria below:

·         Participants should be individuals who have had a traumatic brain injury in the past five years or whose partners have had a traumatic brain injury in the past five years.
·         Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
·         Participants should be individuals who were in a monogamous relationship with the same significant other prior to, during, and after their injury or their partner’s injury.
·         Participants should represent a mix of genders and education levels.

If you know any consumers who meet these criteria or would like more information, please contact us at

Thank you!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Consumer Information on Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury: Four Part Series

An evidence-based consumer factsheet titled Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury: Four Part Series is available on the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center website at Understanding TBI.  The factsheet covers what happens to the brain during early stages of recovery, the impact on individuals’ functioning, the recovery process, and the impact on family that can accompany TBI.  It was developed by Thomas Novack, PhD and Tamara Bushnik, PhD in collaboration with the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center.  It has been reviewed by individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury and endorsed by the Traumatic Brain Injury Model System directors.