Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Mitchell Rosenthal Award

Mitchell Rosenthal, PhD, who passed away at age 58 in early 2007, played a significant role as a researcher, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model Systems National Data Base (NDB) curator, and program administrator in the TBI Model Systems program. While he was not at the birth of the TBI MSs, he became involved while at the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan and Wayne State University, assuming in 1990 the position of Project Director for the Southeastern Michigan TBI Model System, and becoming Project Director for the National Database and Statistical Center (NSDC) in 1993. When he moved to the Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center in 1999, the funding for the NDSC was moved to the Northern New Jersey Model System.

As a principal curator of the NDB, Rosenthal implemented a number of innovations to improve the quality of the data and especially to enhance the role of the TBI NDB and the TBI Model Systems program in the world of TBI research. Among the former are the creation of an online NDB syllabus and the implementation of site visits to TBI MSs. In the latter category are, for instance, the initiation of a research registry for MSs collaboration on NDB analyses, and the creation of an expanded version of “Facts and Figures,” a quarterly newsletter describing NDB information, the clinical and research programs of individual MSs, and other information of interest to clinicians and consumers. Rosenthal gave many talks at meetings of clinicians and researchers, in the United States and internationally, in which he presented the purpose, methods, and contents of the NDB. He also started a program of distributing copies of the NDB syllabus to researchers in the United States and elsewhere, resulting in emulation of the NDB, or significant components of it, in many locations.

By virtue of his role as NDSC Project Director, Rosenthal chaired the TBI Model Systems Project Directors group, which plays a central role in planning, monitoring, and evaluating all TBI Model Systems’ cooperative efforts, including the NDB, module research, and many other activities the TBI Model Systems played a role in, for example, the first two TBI Interagency Conferences. In his leadership capacity, he set the agenda for the semiannual Project Directors meeting (in consultation with NIDRR staff), chaired the group’s meetings, and followed up between meetings to make sure that the various committees and task forces performed their work and coordinated with one another.

In addition, Rosenthal was a prolific user of the NDB data. He (co)authored about 20 papers that used information from the data set to investigate topics such as the measurement of community integration, the resource cost of TBI rehabilitation, differences in outcomes between minorities and whites, and the prediction of long term outcomes in general and of employment in particular.

In 2008, the TBIMS Project Directors established the Rosenthal Award, to keep his legacy alive and inspire new generations of investigators. The award initially was given biannually to the best paper published in a peer-reviewed journal that uses NDB information to investigate some aspect of TBI, its treatment or natural history.

The Award for the 2006-2007 period was won by William C. Walker MD, Jennifer H. Marwitz MA, Jeffrey S. Kreutzer PhD, Tessa Hart PhD, and Thomas A. Novack PhD for their article “Occupational Categories and Return to Work After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multicenter Study” (Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2006, 87(12) 1576-82)

The Award for the 2008-2009 period was won by Jeffrey S. Kreutzer PhD, Lisa J. Rapport PhD, Jennifer H. Marwitz MA, Cynthia Harrison-Felix PhD, Tessa Hart PhD, Mel Glenn MD, and Flora Hammond MD for their article “Caregivers' well-being after traumatic brain injury: a multicenter prospective investigation” (Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2009, 90(6) 939-46)

The Award for 2010 was won by Tessa Hart PhD, Mark Sherer PhD, Nancy Temkin PhD, John Whyte MD, PhD, Sureyya Dikmen PhD, Allan Heinemann PhD, and Kathy Bell MD for their article “Participant-proxy agreement on objective and subjective aspects of societal participation following traumatic brain injury. (Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 2010, 25(5):339-48)

The Award for 2011 was won by Gale Whiteneck PhD, Marcel Dijkers PhD, Allen Heinemann PhD, Jennifer Bogner PhD, Tamara Bushnik PhD, Keith Cicerone PhD, John Corrigan PhD, Tessa Hart PhD, Jim Malec PhD, and Scott Millis PhD for their article “Development of the Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective for use after traumatic brain injury”. (Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2011, 92(4):542-51.)

The Award for 2012 was won by Cynthia Harrison-Felix PhD, Scott E. D. Kreider MS, Juan C. Arango-Lasprilla PhD, Allen W. Brown MD, Marcel P. Dijkers PhD, Flora M. Hammond MD, Stephanie A. Kolakowsky-Hayner PhD, CBIST, Chari Hirshson PhD, Gale Whiteneck PhD, and Nathan D. Zasler MD, FAAPMR, FAADEP, DAAPM, CBIST for their paper “Life Expectancy Following Rehabilitation: A NIDRR Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study”. (Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 2012;27(6):E69-80.)

Given the increase in the number of papers published each year, the award was made an annual one in 2013.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Model System Host a Consumer Conference

The Northern New Jersey TBI System (NNJTBIS) hosted a consumer conference titled, Brain Injury: The Challenge of Change, on October 11, 2013 which was a big success. After welcoming remarks from Drs. Nancy Chiaravalloti and John DeLuca, the keynote speaker, Scott Chesney, gave an inspiring presentation drawing upon his own experience of living with a disability and finding his path in life. Other speakers presented on personal development, utility of social media in making connections, and the benefits of yoga. Dr. Chiaravalloti informed the attendees about current TBI research and presented some of the latest research findings. This was followed by a panel discussion on relationships after TBI. The conference was well attended and well received.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Congratulations to Ohio Regional Traumatic Brain Injury Model System

The Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University, home of the Ohio Regional Traumatic Brain Injury Model System, has been designated lead agency for planning and policy related to brain injury for the state of Ohio. The Brain Injury Program held its first meeting of its Advisory Council on October 24, 2013. The program will promote access to services, explore new options for delivery of care, and establish a traumatic brain injury surveillance system to collect information on the incidence and prevalence of brain injury in Ohio. Activities include educating consumers, professionals and policy-makers and identifying resources for individuals who have experienced a brain injury and their families.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Individuals and Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury Needed for a Health Information Needs Study

Individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Veterans with a Traumatic Brain Injury are invited to participate in a telephone interview about patients’ health information needs. 

Participants must be over 18 and will be compensated $75.

 The study is funded by the National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) and carried out by the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center at the American Institutes for Research in collaboration with George Mason University. 

The goal of the study is to understand the patient’s information needs to help improve the quality, clarity, and relevance of information available to individuals with a spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury, and other stakeholders. 

Contact: If you are interested, please call (202) 403-5600 or email

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

MSKTC Releases a New Audio Described Video for the Hot Topics Module

The MSKTC has recently released an audio described video for the Hot Topic Module: Relationships after Traumatic Brain Injury. This video is part of the hot topics module which consists of a suite of resources to help individuals with traumatic brain injury and their partners enjoy meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Access the video with audio description here.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

MSKTC Exhibits at 2013 Promising Practices for Healing Psychological Trauma of Service Members, Veterans, Family, and Community

The MSKTC participated in the 2013 Promising Practices for Healing Psychological Trauma of Service Members, Veterans, Family, and Community on May 10, 2013 in Fairfax, Virginia. During this event MSKTC staff displayed and highlighted the work of the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems and distributed factsheets based on TBI Model Systems research. View the conference program for additional information.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dr. Jeffrey Kreutzer – “Ask Me Anything” On Reddit (AMA)

The MSKTC invites you to join Dr. Jeff Kreutzer, director of the Virginia Commonwealth University Traumatic Brain Injury Model System, as he answers questions about traumatic brain injury (TBI), common changes in family and couples’ relationships, and strategies to be successful. This session will be held on May 22, 2013 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST on Reddit! For more information visit the MSKTC Web site.

To learn more about Dr. Kreutzer's work:

Click here to view a video about Dr. Kreutzer's work with one couple after a traumatic brain injury:

Would you like to join the discussion? Here is what you need to do:
  1. To join the discussion, create a free Reddit account here (all you need is a username and a password to join:
  2. Check back here at on Wednesday, May 22 at 12:50 pm EST. At that time, we’ll post a live link to the Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread.
  3. If you have any questions about participating in the event, please email my colleagues at the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center: They are prepared to help you!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

TBI Model Systems Wins Telly Award

Relationships After Traumatic Brain Injury, a video produced by the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC), was awarded a Bronze Telly Award for outstanding achievement in the category of Internet Online Video: Education. The 12-minute video shows the impact of traumatic brain injury on a couple’s relationship and how the couple worked with researchers at the Virginia Commonwealth Traumatic Brain Injury Model System Center to improve their relationship. The video was produced as part of the Hot Topics module series. View the video here.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

TBI Model System Co-Sponsors Conference

Virginia Commonwealth University Traumatic Brain Injury Model System and Brain Injury Services co–sponsored the 37th Annual Conference, Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child with Brain Injury: Practical Solutions to Real World Problems held May 1st -3rd in Williamsburg, Virginia. This conference highlighted traumatic brain injury model systems research and clinical programs, and included internationally renowned speakers and attracted more than 150 participants. Neil Brooks, a visionary brain injury researcher and clinician presented the keynote Rosenthal Memorial Lecture. Presentations addressed a wide variety of topics including executive function disorders, sports concussion, cognitive support technologies, behavior management, neuropsychological assessment, community-based treatment, and family intervention. Planning for the 2014 conference is now underway and the planning committee requests suggestions relating to speakers and topics. Visit the conference website for more information.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Creativity in Caregiving

On August 18, 2012, Thomas ("TC") Maslin was robbed and brutally assaulted while walking home in his Washington, DC neighborhood. His attack left him in a coma, fighting a severe traumatic brain injury that has required multiple surgeries. In the nearly nine months following his injury, TC, his wife, Abby, and son, Jack, have worked tirelessly as a team to help recover TC's severely impaired language and physical abilities. Using her expertise as a teacher and former therapist, Abby shares some of the wisdom that has helped guide her husband's recovery and put their family on a path to healing. Learn more about the  principles that helped this couple move forward here.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Resource Highlight: Couples Relationships After Traumatic Brain Injury

The MSKTC is pleased to announce our new factsheet Couples Relationships After Traumatic Brain Injury. After traumatic brain injury (TBI), many couples find that their relationship with each other changes dramatically. Learn more about couples' relationships after a TBI by accessing the factsheet here.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Resource Highlight: Hot Topic Module: Relationships after TBI

The MSKTC is pleased to announce our new Hot Topic Module: Relationships after Traumatic Brain Injury. This hot topics series consists of a suite of resources to help individuals with traumatic brain injury and their partners enjoy meaningful and fulfilling relationships. It includes videos featuring Hugh and Rosemary Rawlins share how they worked with TBI Model System researchers to address challenges they faced after Hugh experienced a TBI. Access the Hot Topics Module here.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Model Systems Researchers Presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology and Division 22 of the American Psychological Association

Dr. Denise Fyffe from Northern New Jersey Spinal Cord Injury System and Dr. Anthony Lequerica from Northern New Jersey Traumatic Brain Injury System gave a presentation at the 15th Annual Conference of the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology and Division 22 of the American Psychological Association held last month, February 21st- 24th in Jacksonville Florida. The presentation was entitled, Clinical and research perspectives on cultural issues in rehabilitation. In this presentation, they highlighted some of the work that has been done through the Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems looking at health disparities and cultural issues associated with rehabilitation outcomes. View the conference schedule for more information.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Work of the TBIMS will be displayed at Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill

The month of March marks Brain Injury Awareness Month. On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 the MSKTC will be attending the Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. There will be a Brain Injury Awareness Fair from 10:00 am- 2:00 pm located on the 1st Floor Foyer of the Rayburn House Office Building. During this event staff from MSKTC will display and highlight the work of the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems and the TBI Data Center.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Work of the NNJTBIS Displayed at Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill

Karen Nolan, Ph.D. and Anthony Lequerica, Ph.D. of the Northern New Jersey Traumatic Brain Injury System (NNJTBIS) will attend Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill on March 13. They plan to disseminate copies of the NNJTBIS consumer newsletter and educated attendees on Kessler Foundation’s brain injury research and programs that expand disability employment opportunities. Representatives from the MSKTC, Rusk Rehabilitation Traumatic Brain Injury Model System, New York Traumatic Brain Injury Model System and UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System also attended the event.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Work of the TBIMS will be displayed at Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill

The month of March marks Brain Injury Awareness Month. On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 the MSKTC will be attending the Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. There will be a Brain Injury Awareness Fair from 10:00 am- 2:00 pm located on the 1st Floor Foyer of the Rayburn House Office Building. During this event staff from MSKTC will display and highlight the work of the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems and the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data and Statistical Center. Also, in attendance will be representatives from Northern New Jersey Traumatic Brain Injury System, UAB Traumatic Brain Injury Model System, and New York Traumatic Brain Injury Model System.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Featured in Article Published in The Atlantic

The work of Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) is the focus of new article in The Atlantic. The article titled The Brain Injury Data Project: One Soldier's Story, focuses on the value of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) 26 year investment in the TBIMS, resulting in longitudinal data that provide important guides to general and military TBI rehabilitation. The author cites the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data and Statistical Center as "the gold standard for clinically describing the variations and possibilities in these patients' outcomes." Learn more about the TBIMS and the database.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Williamsburg TBI Rehabilitation Conference Registration Is Now Open

The Virginia Commonwealth University Traumatic Brain Injury Model System cordially invites you to register for the 37th Annual Williamsburg TBI Rehabilitation Conference, Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child with Brain Injury: Practical Solutions to Real-World Problems. A group of nationally and internationally renowned faculty has been assembled. Keynote presentations will focus on the law, policy, and practice; interdisciplinary approaches to community-based treatment; and neuropsychiatric management. Breakout sessions will focus on executive function disorders, cognitive support technologies, neuropsychology, aging, community-based neurobehavioral programming, survivor and caregiver perspectives, and sports concussion. The conference will feature peer-reviewed oral presentations by leaders in the field as well as indepth, hands-on training with two exceptional, day-long preconference workshops from which participants can choose, one on behavior management and the other on empirically based family intervention. For more information on the conference agenda, please visit the conference Web site.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

MSKTC introduces Caris Peace

The MSKTC would like to highlight the work of Gaylen Ross & Rebecca Nelson on their 76 minute film Caris’ Peace. The film was released in 2011 with Lewis Black, Kate Burton, Caris Corfman, Nancy Giles, and Tony Shalhoub. The film is the story of New York Theater and film actress Caris Corfman, a brilliant graduate of the Yale School of Drama who as the result of a brain tumor lost her ability to make new memories. Filmed over 10 years, the documentary chronicles her courageous return to the stage, a comeback performance featured in The New York Times, and the fascinating ways she challenged her memory loss. This film captures what it is like to live trapped in the past, with only the thinnest slivers of the present.

Caris’ Peace premiered this year at the Hamptons International Film Festival, and was the official selection for the Williamstown Film Festival, Cleveland International Film Festival, Santa Fe Film Festival, with awards at the Calgary “Picture This” Film Festival on Disability, and 1st place for documentaries at the Athens International Film Festival in Ohio.

In New York, the film was featured as part of the Rubin Museum of Art’s prestigious Brainwave series, which paired moderators with neuroscientists for post film discussions. Dr. Barry Gordon of Johns Hopkins University (who is also in the film,) was part of the program as well as Dr. Andre Fenton, Dr. Robert Landry, of New York University, and Dr. John DeLuca of the Kessler Institute.

Dr. Robert Daroff of Case Western Reserve University moderated the post-discussion of the film for the Cleveland International Film Festival, and Dr. Peter Fox of University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio when the film was presented by the Austin Film Society. Please feel free to take a look at Caris Peace Trailer and for more information view the Caris Peace Facebook Page and spread the word about this wonderful documentary!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Call for Nominations of Papers for the 2010-2011 Rosenthal Award

Nominations for the 2010-2011 Rosenthal Awards are now being accepted. Winners will be announced at the June 2013 TBI Model Systems project directors meeting. The Rosenthal Award honors Dr. Mitchell Rosenthal by calling attention to his significant contribution to the TBI Model Systems National Database. The rules for nominating are as follows:

-Papers in hardcopy journals are considered only if published in the journal in calendar years 2010 or 2011; papers published in electronic journals are considered if they were posted in 2010-11.
-Peer reviewed: only papers published in peer-reviewed journals are considered.
-TBI Model Systems National Database: papers (e.g. from modules, collaborative research) that supplement the database information will be considered, but each paper should include at least some national database (i.e. form I and/or form II) data.
-2+ systems: the data from the national database should be from at least two model systems

Please send citations for papers authored by you and your staff to Dr. Marcel Dijkers from New York Traumatic Brain Injury Model System.